Verified Reviews

Hear directly from our students in their own words. Reviewers were enrolled in the Premium Membership Program at the time of writing.

Brian Hamilton

Humanities professor

May 12, 2024

Watch and Code offers a radically different form of education for programmers. Instead of rushing to teach you enough of a particular language to hack something together, Gordon and Lily teach you to solve hard problems with clear eyes, to read complex code bases, and to write meticulously correct code. It is massively more rigorous than any other curriculum out there, but you are not left alone to struggle. Gordon and Lily give each student personal attention and feedback on a daily basis. No other school sets so high a bar or provides so much support.

Like most people, I do not naturally think like a programmer. I was trained as a humanist (my graduate work was in theology and philosophy), which involves a very different style of thinking. But the Programming Foundations course was the best introduction to the intellectual disciplines of the field I could have imagined. Gordon patiently and thoroughly models those disciplines in his videos, and the quizzes are designed to make sure you practice them, too.

I am incredibly grateful to have found Watch and Code. It is a paradigm of what a school for programmers—what any sort of school—ought to be.

Jun Chung

Finance professional at Fenwick & West

June 28, 2024

Prior to joining WaC, I thought learning to program was reserved for only a few, really smart individuals. The few times I delved into learning it, I found myself unable to progress past the basic concepts.

But joining WaC helped me realize that just about anyone who puts in the effort and is open to honest feedback can successfully learn how to code.

The program’s guardrails for mastery, placed so that a student masters a certain topic before moving on to the next, lays a foundation for compounded learning. This base was what I lacked in the past that resulted in stalled progress. Also, a crucial component of compounded learning is improving your problem-solving skills, which is prevalent throughout WaC’s curriculum.

WaC also caters to my own pace and unique circumstance. The program clearly lays out several proven tracks, areas where I can focus my energy to reach my personal goals – like algorithms, web development, etc. I found everything in the program carefully crafted. Even the video tutorials are unlike anything I have seen from other institutions – there are no gimmicks, no bells and whistles that distract you from learning the core concepts. At WaC, I quickly realized that everything was said for a reason, which helped me to stay focused. (The tutorials from other institutions often contained unnecessary content, so I found myself tuning on and off, missing crucial concepts along the way.)

WaC’s carefully designed curriculum is combined with an unwavering pursuit of excellence – and WaC’s unique community is a product of this. The community meets every Friday. Students are continually challenged and encouraged to push their boundaries. It really is a crown jewel of a community for learning and a great component of the program.

WaC elevated my abilities as a finance professional. By learning how to code, I am sought out by co-workers to help resolve problems arising from different business applications that use Typescript, R, Python, Power Automate and Excel macros. Also, thanks to WaC, I approach my work differently now – I focus on problem solving rather than relying on being told what to do. After being recognized for my problem-solving abilities, I am invited to meetings held by executives at the firm and find myself able to meaningfully contribute to the discussions. I know this was possible because of what I learned from WaC.

Janelle deMent

Software Engineer at Mutiny

June 18, 2024

I started learning with Watch and Code in 2018. I felt really lucky to discover such a resource because up until that point, even though I had learned some basics, I was struggling with applying those basics in a meaningful way. I felt like I had hit a wall. Despite completing multiple beginner courses, I knew I was still missing some fundamentals, and none of those courses filled the gaps I needed. It was at that point that I found Watch and Code and after completing the 'Programming Foundations' course, I felt I had finally broken through the wall.

Because of my previous stagnation, I had been researching bootcamps but after I completed this course, I decided to pause that research and continue learning with Watch and Code instead. In the next few months, I decided that a bootcamp was no longer necessary for me at all. I had everything I needed to build my knowledge, skill, and ultimately, my career. I had a direct way to ask questions, tailored feedback on my code, and a personalized approach to becoming competitive in the job market. This last point was invaluable to me, especially since I had no prior background in programming or a related field. I needed a solid strategy for getting my foot in the door when applying to jobs.

I've been a full time Software Engineer for almost 4 years now and I still find value in this program. I'm using it now to continue learning and remain competitive in the field.

Michelle Leong

Digital marketing specialist at GreenShield

June 19, 2024

I joined WaC from late 2022 to mid-2023, and returned in mid-2024. As a near-beginner, here are my thoughts on the program:


- Intellectually rigorous and honest - You can expect zero fluff in this course. Most of the course is about surfacing your weaknesses so you can confront false assumptions. The program will humble you faster than you can say ‘bug’, but once the growing pains subside, you can laugh about it AND be a better programmer.

- Language-agnostic – You can apply your skills and learnings to ANY language. The fundamentals in the program’s foundation script applies across most object-oriented, and class-based, languages. Highly valuable if you want to be able to apply your skills across languages.

- Personal touch – This isn’t just another faceless tutorial (except for the foundations course). There’s no revolving door of students. You get real feedback from real tutors who can give you enough guidance without giving you the answers. And the tutors can be as hands-on or as distant as you like.


- Not an easy course – This isn’t an instant gratification course, and you won’t find your answers to quizzes on StackOverflow. You WILL have to put in significant hard work and build mental models of the way computer languages work.

- $$ - The foundations course is useful, but the really good stuff is in the advanced premium course, which is $299 per month. That can be a stretch for some.

- Not much exposition into how computers/networks work – I’m not sure if this is a negative but IMO it would be helpful to have some sort guide into basic computer/networks facts for beginners like me.

Jay Chung

Commercial appraiser of 10+ years with minimal coding experience

June 20, 2024

"Uncompromising" is the first word that comes to mind when describing the Watch and Code (WC) system. Calling it a "course" doesn't do it justice, as that term evokes images of the countless online providers that collect your money and place you on a conveyor belt. These companies have no real investment in your success; they only need your name to charge your credit card.

Before joining WC, I enrolled in one of these (unnamed) programs. At the time, I believed the curriculum was adequate and convinced myself I was getting my money's worth as I mindlessly followed the linear modules. These courses create the illusion of learning while missing the core of programming: problem-solving.

WC tackles problem-solving head-on. From the start, it emphasizes that effective problem-solving begins with the right mindset and introduces you to your own worst enemy: your lazy thinking. You'll frequently hear Gordon say "adversarial thinking." Who's the adversary? It's you.

This "adversarial thinking" begins with acknowledging that we are creatures prone to self-deception. In a polarized world, we cling to half-formed hot takes that align with our views. Many fall prey to their own self-deception. Through programming, Gordon and Lily push you to identify your logical blind spots. If you take this course seriously, you will become a better truth seeker.

The admission process is unique, designed to assess your willingness to adopt the ideal problem solver's mindset. If you're seeking a quick, linear way to learn coding, this program isn't for you. The admission process will likely weed you out.

You might think WC is economically disadvantaged by having an admission process. Why do they do it? As I said, they are supremely uncompromising. If they don’t believe they can teach you effectively, they don't want your money. Consider yourself lucky to have found this page, as this kind of pedagogical philosophy is rare. Sign up if you think you're up for it.

Spencer Stewart

Software Engineer at Accenture

May 9, 2024

W&C is special because it has a level of rigor that is missing from other offerings. With how popular software development has become, as evidenced by the "learn to code" meme, the field has become watered down by edutainment websites that focus more on making you feel like you're learning, instead of actually making you better. More specifically, there's a lack of resources that teach you to become better at problem-solving and learning how to learn which is the focus of W&C.

I think W&C also unintentionally fits into the broader software craftsmanship movement described in "The Software Craftsman" by Sandro Mancuso. There's a growing lack of professionalism and seriousness in the field due to an influx of computer science majors and bootcamp graduates who entered the field for a (supposedly) easy paycheck and because tech is trendy. W&C can help you become a software craftsman on a journey of self-improvement, self-discovery, and mastery, in the same vein as a medieval blacksmith dedicated to becoming a master of their craft, instead of simply being a coder.

Tamara deMent

Software Engineer at Corbalt

May 8, 2024

I came to Watch and Code as a complete beginner, transitioning from a career in music as a professional violinist. As someone who knew nothing (and I mean, absolutely nothing) about programming when I began and has now made the leap to a full-time career as a software engineer, I can say with confidence that this program requires no prior knowledge or additional coursework. It's comprehensive enough to take you from newbie to professional.

The curriculum is thoughtfully designed to test and improve your critical thinking at each step. One of the aspects I found most useful was the feedback provided in code reviews. What I've always appreciated about Gordon and Lily's approach is their emphasis on teaching HOW to think through problems, which is much more powerful than simply prescribing a solution or formula to be memorized and blindly applied. The feedback is always presented in a way that nudges you toward thinking through nuances and tradeoffs more effectively.

Another invaluable component for me was the career track, which helped me develop and refine the soft skills necessary for landing my first job. When I started updating my resume, I felt completely daunted. My background was not the usual programming student's background. But Gordon and Lily helped me think through my unique strengths and accomplishments, how to highlight them gracefully in order to present my application in the best possible light. I was able to approach my job hunt with a lot more confidence thanks to their input and guidance.

Kris Baker

Backend Developer at Arclabs

May 9, 2024

I came across Watch and Code due to the generosity of past students sharing how impactful Gordon's work was for them. It was learning from the experiences of Gordon, Lily, and the community of students here that I began to feel that maybe I could become a programmer.

But things seem to only make sense to me after I've had the experience of encountering a problem, experiencing pain, and struggling to find an answer. Only then do I begin to understand why someone thinks in a particular way or why something was done. And this really hit me when I started an internship. Desperate to do well I sought out what information I could find on the Internet regarding the tools that the company was using. I re-experienced how it felt to first begin programming.

There is a void of materials that allow a beginner to advance his skills and understanding. The tutorials that I found from searching Google and YouTube were uniform in their nature. Random, no explanation of why they were doing things in a certain way, and a lack of commitment to quality. For if someone really cared about the quality of their teaching they would seek out feedback. They would care about whether or not someone was able to learn from what they made. Upon the realization that someone failed to understand they would strive to figure out why, reflect, uncover the assumptions they are making, and then refine their methods. But this doesn't happen and you begin to feel as if nobody really cares.

So I kind of understand what it means to be motivated by hate. But maybe more precisely by the pain that one feels when they see so little is done to solve the problems that people experience. Maybe we are morally obligated to teach what we know. To our co-workers, friends, our community, and to strangers. Especially when you experience the frustrations of learning something and realize that maybe this repeats itself over and over with every new learner. And if you are in a position to do something about it you should.

And this is why I deeply appreciate the work that Lily and Gordon do. But it is only with time and experience that I began to see the nuances. Simplicity, attention to sequence and struggles, intolerance of poor quality, thoughtful and intellectually honest decision-making, meticulous breakdowns of their thought process for every situation, fundamentals taught in a way for a learner to adapt them to his/her situation, and the genuine desire to help others.

Ira Dmitrenko

Student at Watch and Code and Illustration Graduate

May 11, 2024

Before discovering Watch and Code, I was a web development hobbyist, easily discouraged and feeling stuck at a very basic level.
Since my first email to the team, I was impressed by the level of personalized support each student receives. Lily and Gordon really take the time to understand each student's goals, providing guidance that makes you feel both supported and motivated.

The program's structured blend of a comprehensive curriculum, weekly meetings, and code reviews creates a learning environment that promotes consistent improvement and accountability—qualities often missing when studying alone.
Beginning with Programming Foundations, the curriculum's progression ensures you are continually challenged without feeling overwhelmed. In a field overflowing with information and resources, W&C's emphasis on quality over quantity is particularly refreshing. Their approach focuses on seeing the bigger picture and refining problem-solving skills rather than getting lost in details.

Gordon and Lily don’t just demonstrate the best approaches—their curriculum is designed to help you become an effective problem solver, who can consistently come up with the best solutions on their own. “We’ll make you think hard and methodically reason your way through problems” may not sound like a fun selling point, but this is where effective learning happens. Witnessing Lily and Gordon's dedication to delivering high-quality teaching inspires me to match their commitment and enthusiasm.

As a newcomer to software development, I appreciate the quality of teaching and guidance at W&C and look forward to continuing my journey with them.

Joe Assi

I am a long-time professional classical musician, and a beginning learner in programming with zero background in computer science

July 26, 2024

Three months ago, I had effectively zero knowledge of programming. What little knowledge I had was hard won from courses that felt inaccessible, sterile, and left me feeling frustrated and resigned. I was fairly certain that programming just wasn't for me. But on the recommendation of a friend, and a whim, I decided to give Watch and Code a shot.

I feel as though I've stumbled on a gold mine. Watch and Code is one of the most engaging experiences of ANY kind that I think I've ever had. The rigorous structure is unique, addictive, and maximizes long-term retention. Gordon and Lily are phenomenal guides who seem to have cornered, in a sustainable and methodical way, that perennially elusive thing in teaching: helping each and every student achieve their maximum potential. As a direct result, I feel confident I have a shot at a career in this field.

It is rare to have a single system that truly meets you where you're at, but it is obvious that this course benefits professionals and newcomers alike. I believe that is because here, there is a tangible and infectious focus on the craft of coding that is essential at any level of experience. If you're someone who seeks professional development, loves learning, or (especially) if you're curious but intimidated by programming- you won't regret giving Watch and Code a try.