Flexible, risk-free pricing

A flat $99 to apply and start learning now

Get started with the strongest foundation possible

  1. First, you'll do our prerequisite course, Programming Foundations.
  2. You'll take an exam that tests whether you can apply key concepts from the course.
  3. If you pass the written exam, you'll be invited to interview with us.
  4. After the interview, you'll get detailed feedback and an admissions decision.
Start prerequisite course

Then $299/month for admitted students

Elite, high-touch training exclusively for admitted students

If you're accepted, you'll be invited to enroll.

Master algorithms with our intense, feedback-driven assessments

Learn how to build production-level web applications from scratch

Supercharge your career with personalized career coaching

Compound your growth with engaging, live practice every week

Faculty-driven 1:1 support that’s simply not available anywhere else

Our commitment to student-centric pricing

  • We only accept students that can handle the rigor of our program. If you’re not a good fit, we’ll happily recommend alternatives.
  • We don’t want the perverse incentives that come from charging one lump sum fee of $20-30K. Having to win you over each month pushes us to do our best.
  • There are no financial commitments and you can cancel anytime. We only want you to stay with us as long as it makes sense.
  • We’ve taken every measure to offer the best services at an unbeatable value. No other program offers this level of quality at any price.