The most rigorous way to learn programming

Learn directly from senior engineers and get daily code reviews, exclusive 1:1 coaching, and live instructor-led sessions every week

Landing your first tech job can seem impossible without a CS degree. From resume critiques to mock interviews and more, I got the support I needed to ensure that becoming a software engineer was not only possible, but inevitable.

Kevin Morehouse

Software Engineer

My manager suggested something similar could be created with a mentor at work, but not a chance. Once you notice the nuance in sequencing, in feedback, even incentives, you realize it's unlike anything else.

Rick Hallett

Software Engineer

What I appreciate most is being held to a high bar in the assessments. I have to put in my best effort or I'll get called out. This accountability pushes me to be my best and is really hard to recreate on my own.

James Squillante

Senior Software Engineer

A fully integrated platform

The essential toolkit for savvy programmers

Everything you need in one seamless platform. Master algorithmic problem-solving, build complex web applications, and supercharge your career with personalized coaching.

Algorithms Intensive

Master algorithms and own your interviews

Methodically learn algorithms from scratch the right way and leave nothing to chance. We painstakingly code review all of your work so you can take advantage of every growth opportunity. You won't find this kind of feedback-driven training anywhere else.
Web Development Labs

Learn how to build complex web applications

Instead of focusing on high-level frameworks that come and go, we focus on the timeless ideas that underpin them. You'll apply these fundamental concepts to build a series of increasingly complex applications on your own.
Career Coaching

Supercharge your career

We're by your side every step of the way, from crafting a resume that sells, to application strategy, to interview post-mortems, to offer negotiation. If you're already in the industry, we'll help you get the promotion or that new role you've been eyeing. This is where all of your hard work comes together.
Weekly Sessions

Compound your growth with live practice every week

Every week we meet as a group and tackle a new problem. Students independently develop solutions, which are then meticulously discussed and critiqued by both students and faculty. This is a whole new way of practice that more effectively simulates what companies are actually looking for—those that can truly think on their feet.
Faculty Support

Faculty-driven support you won't find anywhere else

You get direct access to us via email, Slack, and unlimited 1:1 office hours (no teaching assistants ever). No other institution, public or private, offers this level of service at any price. We carefully manage the size of our student body to make this possible because we believe educational quality is more important than the bottom line.


No other teaching team comes close

Learn from engineers that have worked at the best companies and have honed their teaching across thousands of students.

Gordon Zhu

Previously at Google, University of Pennsylvania

Gordon founded Watch and Code in 2014. Previously, he was at Google, where he worked in engineering, product management, and marketing. He studied economics at the University of Pennsylvania.

Lily Gentner

Previously at Uber, Square, Harvard University

Lily joined Watch and Code in 2022 as an instructor. Previously, she worked as a software engineer at Uber and Square. She studied statistics and computer science at Harvard University.

Built for your unique situation

Who's it for?

Our services seamlessly scale up and down to help you reach your most audacious goals. From your first role, to senior, and beyond, we provide you with the critical infrastructure for continued growth.

We're a good fit if...

We're a no-brainer if...

We're a bad fit if...


What do students say?

Complete beginners and experienced pros love Watch and Code.

Landing your first tech job can seem impossible without a CS degree. From resume critiques to mock interviews and more, I got the support I needed to ensure that becoming a software engineer was not only possible, but inevitable.

Kevin Morehouse

Software Engineer

My manager suggested something similar could be created with a mentor at work, but not a chance. Once you notice the nuance in sequencing, in feedback, even incentives, you realize it's unlike anything else.

Rick Hallett

Software Engineer

What I appreciate most is being held to a high bar in the assessments. I have to put in my best effort or I'll get called out. This accountability pushes me to be my best and is really hard to recreate on my own.

James Squillante

Senior Software Engineer

Watch and Code outshines my $25,000, 4-year degree. What sets it apart is the personalized attention. No more settling for the bare minimum and apathetic professors. They know exactly how to push me to my limits and get the most out of every opportunity.

Yousuf Idris

Software Engineer

Coming out of a coding bootcamp gave me an impression of coding competence. This is much more than that. I’m improving my thinking and problem solving in a concrete and personalized way - a meta skill that is agnostic of technology.

Ranjit Saimbi

Senior Software Engineer
Hurtigruten Group

Personalized feedback on everything is a game changer. Not only do they spot issues that are easy to miss, but they go deep into the underlying reasoning behind everything.

Janelle de Ment

Software Engineer

If there was a better way, I'd be doing it. While the mastery-based thing sounds all good, I'll be honest, it can be painfully frustrating at times. But, I've progressed more in 12 months here than I did in the last 10 years on my own. This is rewarding beyond words.

Luke Nailer

Communications, Victorian Government (Australia)

Being able to validate business ideas on my own has been really useful. In my latest startup, I was able to build a prototype that we're now testing with real users.

Zack Davies

Former COO

Gordon and Lily have helped me identify bad habits and misconceptions with their rare ability to empathize with my thought process. This has helped me get better at figuring things out on my own instead of relying on constant Googling and trial-and-error.

Kenny Chow

Software Engineer
Volan Technology

Selective admissions

Join our program

Be part of a selective community where you'll be surrounded by bright, curious, and hardworking people.

A one-time $99 fee covers everything listed below (course, exam, and live interview).

  1. First, you'll do our prerequisite course, Programming Foundations.
  2. You'll take an exam that tests whether you can apply key concepts from the course.
  3. If you pass the written exam, you'll be invited to interview with us.
  4. After the interview, you'll get detailed feedback and an admissions decision.
Start prerequisite course


How long does the program last?

Due to the self-paced nature and mastery-based assessments, duration to some goal (e.g. career change, more competitive role) varies wildly. It depends on many factors like your ability, effort, goals, educational background, and the hiring market.

There is absolutely intense sales pressure to market very short, unrealistic timelines accompanied by fudged success rates. Not only is this dishonest, but it's counterproductive because it pushes students to cut corners.

As part of the admissions interview, we're happy to provide an estimate based on your performance and background. For admitted students, we can provide better estimates that incorporate evidence from assessments, live sessions, and interview post-mortems.

What programming language(s) do you use?

Our Algorithms Intensive uses a language-agnostic subset of JavaScript we call FoundationScript. We do this because we want our students to learn algorithms in a way that is broadly applicable and not language-dependent.

In the Web Development Labs, we use standard JavaScript. It’s not possible to use FoundationScript here because interacting with third-party code is unavoidable in web development.

When are the weekly sessions?

Fridays at 8:30-9:30AM Pacific Time. In case that doesn’t work for you, we always record the sessions so that you can watch them later.

What percentage of students are experienced?

As of January 2024, 41% are experienced engineers. The remaining 59% are split between beginners, founders, and hobbyists. This is a testament to how we're able to adapt to the unique needs of each student.

Still have a question?

Send us a note at [email protected].

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